Birthday Blog

Sorry, it’s the ubiquitous birthday blog, and as a sign I’m getting older, I had to look up the spelling, and to be honest, remind myself of the meaning of the word ‘ubiquitous’. Those grey cells are slowly returning to the ether….. So, I’ve made 48 passes of the sun so far and we’re onContinue reading “Birthday Blog”

Chapter 18: The Notebook 10-11

 able to straighten up. He staggered forward. He could hear the space increasing between them and danger. But something was wrong. Several problems highlighted at once. Why only his shadow lurching forward on the pavement? Why couldn’t he feel her presence by his shoulder? Why could he hear a conversation with her voice and notContinue reading “Chapter 18: The Notebook 10-11”

The Spotify Playlist

It’s all about the Spotify algorithm apparently. If you can get picked out by that you’re on your way…….Hmmm, I’m not convinced. I’m currently reading David Byrne’s lovely book, ‘How Music Works’ and he spells out how little money he receives from streaming (in particular from Spotify), in particular how some of the big TalkingContinue reading “The Spotify Playlist”

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